Carolina Botto is Cofounder and CEO of Joinnus, a startup that helps its users find relevant offline activities to join. Carolina and her cofounders (husband and a friend) started the company in 2013 and joined Wayra, a local accelerator (see Episode 10). Carolina initially began her career as an architect before studying in Spain for her MBA.
Carolina and I discuss why she chose architecture as her career, how the idea for Joinnus developed, and why she studied in Spain.
In this encompassing and explanatory interview we discuss:
- Carolina’s experience working for others and the valuable lessons she learned
- How “zombies in the streets” influenced her career
- The opportunity cost of accepting a promotion
- What it was like entering a new industry without having prior experience
- The first and biggest events held on the Joinnus platform
- How the team found its third cofounder
- The importance of her MBA thesis beyond graduation
- Some potential future expansion plans
We also cover the decision-making framework that Carolina used, the importance of raw feedback, and why the team expanded to Colombia first instead of México.
If you’re interested in life-changing decisions, starting from scratch, and trusting your intuition then you can’t miss this episode.
Enjoy this spirited and therapeutic conversation with Carolina.
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